The Solar System

Monday, August 16, 2021 - 11:18
The Solar System

The Solar System is a vast and interesting part of our universe. In our galaxy, the Milky Way, we find a unique constellation of stars and very strange and exciting planets. Our Grade 3s started the journey of exploring space in a spectacular way! The virtual planetarium stimulated our interest and left us yearning to learn more! 

Constructing our own planets using recycled materials and our boundless creativity was a fun family experience. This project showcased our ability to use imagination and recycled material. It gave us the practical knowledge of the eight planets, such as how Venus is actually hotter than Mercury, or how scientists found water on Mars! 

The learning experience was heighted by us watching many videos on our super cool smart boards. We gained a greater appreciation of our Earth, knowing why our planet is special and how we can protect it and keep it safe and healthy for our generation and the next generations to come.