Netball & Soccer vs Danie Theron Primary School

27 April 2024
Netball against Danie Theron

In a thrilling showdown between City Kidz Primary and Danie Theron Primary, our young athletes showcased their talent and grit on the field. Despite the intensity of the competition, CityKidz exemplified remarkable sportsmanship and grace under pressure.

The games were a testament to the dedication and spirit of the players, who demonstrated unwavering determination and respect for their opponents. As the final whistles blew, it was evident that the true winners were those who embodied the values of teamwork, integrity, and respect. City Kidz Primary and Danie Theron Primary can be proud of our learners, as they left a lasting impression with their outstanding performance and exemplary behaviour on the field.

Congratulations to the U13 Boys team for winning their match, well done to all the other teams as well, keep up the amazing teamwork!


  • U13 Woman of the Match: Zenani Zuma, who scored an astounding 5 goals in one half!
  • U12 Woman of the Match: Nanette Chingono, who played her heart out on the court and gave her all to her team!


  • U13 Man of the Match: Mikhulu Sihlwayi, who made sure that his presence was felt during every minute of the game!
  • U12 Man of the Match: Ezra Sama, who was an absolute star on the field!
Soccer against Danie Theron



  • U12: 12-1 to Danie Theron Primary Netball
  • U13: 9-5 to Danie Theron Primary


  • U12: 3-0 to Danie Theron Primary
  • U13: 3-0 to CityKidz Primary

Written by Nokwanda Ndlovu