Sports Day 2022

28 February 2022
Sports Day 2022

We have such a fantastic team, incredible children and supportive parents at CityKidz. Our brilliant 2022 Sports Day gives you a glimpse of what life is like at CityKidz.

Almost every event was filled to capacity and the lead changed often throughout the day with the score updates. Roan was consistently in the lead , but the challenge remained between Eland and Impala. In the final moments Impala pipped Eland at the post. Our children participated enthusiastically in several novelty events such as the water balloon relay (with no-one too concerned if one broke and showered a few team mates) and hang your washing on the line event. Our parents participated in the Tug-o-war and relay races. It was simply a fun-filled day.

Our school is a family where everyone is valued and recognised as an individual. It is a place where talents and interests are nurtured and all are encouraged to aim for the stars. We embody our motto Strive to Achieve and believe that every child has the ability to shine given the right care and support and that our similarities and differences are things we celebrate with pride. We were totally blessed by the most spectacular weather. Our children and staff looked brilliant in their House coloured tops, even parents dressed in the house colours. It was great to see all the children having a brilliant time competing in the novelty races, sprints and relays. The novelty races provided lots of entertainment and the faces on the children, after they crossed the line, speaks volumes. It was truly a wonderful day, and our parents loved it. There was so much positive feedback. Thank you to each and every staff member for ensuring everything was executed so brilliantly and for creating a super vibe. Your enthusiasm and motivation certainly helped create an awesome atmosphere. Positivity feeds off positivity.

Kudos to the SMT for following through with all the planning. Thanks to Fatima for the photos. Way to go, everyone